A view of Great Durnford Manor (top) and Stings Country home. The fishing hut (bottom) is to the right of the riverSting must wait a little longer to find out if he will succeed in attempts to get a small fishing hut near his luxury mansion removed. The wooden cabin has been built on the banks of the River Avon, around half-a-mile from the ex-Police singer’s £7m estate at Great Durnford, in the Wishford valley. Salisbury district council was alerted to the hut’s existence by a member of the public, alleged to be Sting himself, and its owners have been forced to apply for retrospective planning permission. It is believed Sting feels the shack obstructs the view from his 17th Century manor. But last week councillors on the northern area committee were forced to delay a decision on the application because evidence from English Nature had not arrived in time. Committee members agreed that they could not make a decision without the information, and have now delegated responsibility for a verdict to be made once the missing details have been provided. The final decision now rests in the hands of council officers, who had recommended the committee granted permission subject to conditions.

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