imageSting and company also ventured out to the Covered Bazaar and did not mind the journalists following them around. Sting donned a Mevlevi hat and bought a costume to go with it while his wife, Trudie, went for a bunch of hand-embroidered cotton scarves. Sting also had a good rub at the Çemberlitaş Hamam and cruised the Bosporus. In the evening he went to Reina, and his wife joined him when he accompanied a belly dancer on the floor. According to the Mirror, Sting proved a bit of a belly flop when he tried the local dancing style after his concert in Constantinople on Wednesday night. He almost burst his braces as he persuaded wife Trudie Styler to join him for a few gyrations – but onlookers weren’t impressed. One said: “His attempt at belly dancing was hilarious – and not in a good way. He should stick to singing.” Sting and Trudie both tipped the dancer well around the bosom.
Source: Mirror & StingUs

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