Every now and then there seems to be doubt about the accuracy of news provided on StingUs, and lately even about postings on our forums.
Again, we would like to clarify that all news we gather here comes from reliable sources. That some news is not officially confirmed does not mean it is not true (see e.g. concert data which we have mostly available before you will read it on the official tour websites). What appears on the forums is solely valid for what it is, namely open postings for everyone having a free membership, hence also the reason that not everything posted on the forums is posted in the newspages or further addressed. The same for the rumours about a new CD. We were informed by Universal Music staff that some new releases are in the pipeline, but nowhere have we claimed nor stated this would consist of new albums with new material. Even better, this was NEVER posted in any article in the newspages itself since we did not have enough information available.
We hope that by this whoever is complaining about our accuracy will keep their mouth shut from now on.

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