Between 1 November 2008 and 1 February 2009, The Laing Art Gallery in Newcastle will display a newly commissioned painting titled ‘Northern City Rennaissance, Newcastle England’ by Stephen Hannock. Stephen Hannock is an artist whose work hangs in some of America’s most prestigious museums and galleries, and ‘Northern City Rennaissance’ celebrates the cultural and economic renaissance of Newcastle, since the closure of the coal mines and ship yards. Hannock depicts a view of the River Tyne as it is today, with the Sage Gateshead, BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art and the Milennium Bridge. Partially hidden from sight under the layers or paint are images and text relating to the city’s mining heritage. The painting has been commissioned by Sting, a lover and collector of Hannock’s work.
Sting and Trudie Styler own over 20 of Hannock’s works … seems he did like Dali a lot ….
Source: and StingUs

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